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Simply hawt - convert your wowmeh and slink appliers to K.L. Lena and now to .:SKING:. , without the notecards annoyance.

I made this little hud, small on the hud space of your screen but packed with powerful features. Simply wear it and it and you re good to go shopping! Buy a physique or wowmeh or lolas enabled applier and use it as usual. 

The hud will convert your wowmeh, physique and LOLAS appliers to the Lena body, to the layer you pick in the hud. Due to how the mesh is set in the Lena I find the semi transparent clothing to work better on the inner layer and the solid textiles on outer layer. Skins will apply to the skin layer. For SKING both clothing the layers work very well.

notes on Lolas appliers: the conversion will only work properly with a full sized texture, some designers use cutoff texture to only cover the breast and this will not work in any appliers conversion kits. The lolas mesh nipples appliers are not supported, so for some skins you are better with wowmeh or slink appliers wich both use standard uvmaps.

Manage your second life appliers - Wardrobe feature

Once you applied your clothing through Simply hawt hud, you may save your looks and wear them anytime with one click. Free auto updates, support through group or im.

Thanks to Kalu and Aria from SKING for helping me throughout this project.

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